Beatrice’s birth - katie’s birth story
Baby Bea in her mama’s arms
Whilst having routine monitoring at the day assessment unit, I was told that the safest thing to do was to induce me three days before my actual due date. There were lots of things whizzing through my mind and I (probably like lots of people) thought it would negatively effect my birth. How wrong I was!
My husband and I turned up at the hospital and were given a huge room and given loads of information about what was going to happen. I felt well informed at every step.
My midwife put the pessary in at midday and we were told to keep ourselves busy, as it could take a while to work. We were allowed to leave the hospital and we had a lovely day shopping and having lunch. I was adamant not to sit still, so we did quite a bit of walking as I had heard it helped move things along. I had felt some twinges but nothing too intense to stop me enjoying our special day. We got back early evening and settled in for the night.
At 3am I woke up to find that the pessary had come out. The midwife checked me and I was fully dilated! I was surprised because I had felt no pains!
We were transferred down to the delivery ward and my waters were broken at 6am. Labour, like my first, started once my waters went.
Throughout the whole process I felt wonderfully supported and labour was no longer or more painful than my other spontaneous labour.
My second daughter arrived at 2pm. A very special experience and a truly positive induction story.