traumatic birth recovery:
3 step rewind
the effect of a traumatic birth experience
Sometimes an event occurs during pregnancy, birth or the postnatal period that leaves us with difficult feelings and emotions such as anxiety, distress, anger, shame/guilt. We can be left wanting to forget our birth experience altogether, avoiding thinking or talking about it or being reminded of it in any way.
When this happens it can impact our lives in a monumental way. It can alter our journey into parenthood, affect our confidence and self esteem and make day to day tasks seem unmanageable. We are often unable to find respite from the recurring difficult thoughts and feelings that we are experiencing.
Why does this happen?
The highly aroused emotions we experience during a traumatic birth, can become inextricably linked to the memory of the event.
When we experience these emotions, it kick starts our survival mode (a primal instinct) because it perceives danger. This is known as our ‘stress state’.
When we are in the stress state, our rational brain (the neocortex) is unable to communicate with our instinctual brain (the amygdala) to reassure it that no danger is actually present.
We therefore get stuck in a cycle of; remembering the event - triggering our emotional response - unable to reassure or soothe ourselves.

what is three step rewind therapy and how does it help?
Traumatic Birth Recovery - Three step rewind is an NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) technique.
It is designed to break the neurological pathway between the memory of the event and the difficult/toxic emotional response to the memory, by properly processing it and allowing it to be released into the long term memory store.
This has the effect of lifting/neutralising the symptoms of trauma which are associated with the memory so that, when we remember the event, we do so free from the toxic emotions previously associated with it.
It also provides an opportunity to imagine and rehearse a new, more positive mindset for our future, creating new pathways to a brighter future.
what does TBR-three step rewind entail?
TBR-three step rewind technique is a quick, simple, yet effective method of relieving the symptoms of birth or perinatal trauma.
It typically takes place over three sessions:
Session 1:
Usually lasting 90 minutes, it involves:
Hearing about your previous experience(s), if you want to share them with me (this is not essential, if you don’t feel comfortable doing so)
Understanding how your previous experience(s) are impacting your life now
Focussing on and building the foundations of a positive future goal state, creating a blueprint for a trauma free future
The practice of deep relaxation to make the recall of that memory safe and protect you from re-traumatisation.
Session 2:
Usually lasting 60 minutes, it involves:
Guiding you into a deeply relaxed state to make the rewind process safe
Guiding you as you recall the previous experience(s) in three specific ways
Breaking the neurological pathway between the memory and the trauma symptoms
Session 3:
Usually lasting 30 minutes. This is an opportunity for us to discuss how you have been feeling since the Rewind process and celebrating the positive changes you have been experiencing.

what trauma client’s say:
“Thank you again for helping me through a really tough situation! I feel incredible since completing the 3 Step Rewind with you and I just can't believe that it worked so quickly and easily! I feel totally like my normal self again after just 3 sessions with you, even though I've been seeing 'specialist psychologists' for birth trauma for 2 years! I have been so thankful for connecting with you every single day since the rewind and both of my boys also send their thanks for bringing their mama 'back to life'. Thank you for everything you have done for me!”
- Sarah, Adelaide (Australia)
“Thank you so much to Ellie for two brilliant sessions reflecting on my birth, pregnancy and infertility experiences. Your warm and compassionate approach helped me to feel comfortable immediately and it was so liberating to discuss my emotions and anxieties with someone other than family and friends who’d heard it all before! I really appreciated your patience and your genuine kindness and care. I found the experience so beneficial for me going forwards. I have already recommended your services to others!”
- Louise, Falmouth
is three step rewind therapy for me?
A lot of us don’t recognise or describe our experience as traumatic. However, it is important that we assess our current experience to understand whether we are suffering trauma symptoms.
Trauma symptoms may include:
Intrusion - recurrent and unavoidable flashbacks or nightmares
Avoidance - trying to block the memory from our brain entirely and avoiding talking about it, thinking about it or being reminded of it in any way
Negative emotions or cognitions - low self esteem, feelings of shame or guilt, an unescapable fear of something bad happening, distress, anger, shock or anxiety
Hyper arousal - an overly sensitive startle reflex, insomnia or feelings of emotional numbness
(this is by no means an exhaustive list).
If you have previously enjoyed good mental health but are now suffering from any of the above symptoms as a result of your difficult birth or perinatal event, then TBR-three step rewind can help you.
It doesn’t matter if the difficult event happened 8 weeks or 8 years ago. TBR-three step rewind has been shown to be equally effective.
If you are willing to take steps to work on leaving your previous trauma behind you and move forward to a brighter future then I want to help you.

trauma services
birth reflections
Sometimes, all you need is to talk and feel heard. This can help you process your experience and allow you to move on from the negative symptoms you have been experiencing.
I offer a one-off birth reflection session to give you the opportunity to share your experience.
price: £65
three step rewind
We will conduct at least 2 face-to-face sessions together (either in person or via zoom) and you will be provided with a recorded relaxation to listen to in between sessions. I will also hold a follow up session to assess how you are doing following the rewind (either by telephone or zoom).
Price: £195
I would recommend booking a FREE 30 minute consultation prior to booking your trauma service, so we can discuss your needs in a safe and supportive space and ensure that I can provide you with the support you need.

trauma wisdom
“know and believe that it was not your fault… feel and believe that you deserve massive respect for what you have coped with… a healthy baby is not all that matters. You matter too.”
- Mia Scotland, Perinatal Clinical Psychologist, Doula and Author.
Image credits: Mother, new baby and son by Maple Hollow Photography