doula services
I am a recognised birth & postnatal doula trained by the Birth Bliss Academy!
Birth Boss provides supportive and holistic services to pregnant and birthing people and parents.
Being invited to walk alongside you and support you on this incredible journey is a true honour and I treat every single invitation as such. I am dedicated to honouring your choices, providing you with the information for you to make your own decisions about your birth, appreciating that this is your unique experience.
My support, guidance and encouragement to you will be impartial and unwavering.

“She will step forward as you need her, she will step back when you don’t. She will not empower you. She will recognise that you are powerful. And when she leaves you will know that you did it”
- Mars Lord
Why hire a doula?
There are many reasons to hire a doula; you might want support and guidance as you prepare for your upcoming birth. You might want a non-medical person, who has knowledge and experience with birth, to help discuss your options with. You might want the continuous support a specialised birth partner can offer - someone who can take care of the practical stuff so that your partner can focus on you throughout your labour.
Or, post birth, you may want additional support with your new born. Assisting you as you get used to feeding, bathing and caring for your baby. Or simply an additional hand around the house when your partner returns to work.
You may just know and understand that having a baby is a BIG DEAL and you value continuous support whilst you transition from pregnant to parent. You want someone who knows you, your circumstances, listens and provides encouragement and support so that you feel taken care of too.
The Benefits
Evidence tells us that good, continuous support during pregnancy leads to better birth outcomes. It contributes to improved mental health and increased parental satisfaction in the postnatal period.
Here are a few of the evidenced benefits of having a doula:
Reduced length of labour
Reduced likelihood of caesarean or assisted birth
Reduced pharmacological pain relief (including epidural)
Reduced need for induction
Reduced likelihood of postnatal depression
Improved parental satisfaction
Increased prospect of, and successful initiation and continuation of breastfeeding
Quicker postnatal recovery rates
book your free consultation with me
birth doula
As your birth doula, I will ensure that I understand your circumstances and your wishes for your birth. I will gather the research and provide you with the information you need to confidently make your decisions. I will navigate all of the “what-if’s” with you, safeguarding you and your autonomy during the birth process.
I will be available to you when you need me and, from 38 weeks, I will be “on-call” for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, waiting with you for your baby to arrive. Or, I will accompany you to your induction or abdominal birth.
I will be your pillar to lean on, your respectful cheerleader and I will remain by your side until you no longer need me.
birth package 1
Antenatal sessions (2 x 2 hour sessions)
Email/telephone/whatsapp support from me when you need
On call 24/7 from 10 days before your estimated due date to 42 weeks
Attendance at your birth from the point you decide you want me until the point you feel you no longer need me
Postnatal visit (1 x 2 hour session)
During our antenatal sessions we will cover:
Debriefing previous experiences
Fear release
Stages of labour
Birth physiology
Independent circumstances
How to navigate the maternity system
During the birth I will:
Provide practical assistance in creating a birth environment
Provide support with comfort measures i.e. massage, aromatherapy etc
Provide emotional support to you and your partner
During the postnatal session I will:
Debrief your birth experience with you
Discuss any concerns/issues you have regarding new born care and provide support
Provide support with breastfeeding or bottle feeding
Discuss the requirement for further postnatal support
birth package 2
Full antenatal & hypnobirthing course (4 x 2-3 hour sessions)
Email/telephone/whatsapp support from me when you need;
On call 24/7 from 10 days before your estimated due date to 42 weeks
Attendance at your birth from the point you decide you want me until the point you feel you don’t
Postnatal visit (1 x 2 hour session)
During your hypnobirthing course we will cover everything included in the antenatal sessions (birth package 1) in more detail, in addition to:
Reframing birth mindset
The hypnobirthing toolset of techniques for tranquillity, and confidence
Comfort measures
To read more about what is included in the full antenatal and hypnobirthing course see my Courses page here.
During the birth I will:
Provide the same support and assistance as in Birth Package 1 and will be there to support you in whichever manner you see best. I will be led by you.
During the postnatal session I will:
Provide the same support and services as in Birth Package 1. Again I will be led by you and what you feel you need. Sometimes this can just be to sit with a cup of tea (other beverages allowed) and to hold space for you and your emotions during this transitional event.
fancy a chat about my birth doula services?
postnatal doula
The postnatal period, particularly the ‘fourth trimester’, is a time of transition and adjustment. Our’s is one of the only cultures in the world that fails to acknowledge and honour this period as sacred. New parents often have insufficient support to allow them to thrive in their new family dynamic.
As your postnatal doula, I am here to provide you with support and guidance in the way you need. I am here to help you discover the type of parent you want to be and to encourage and enable you to find your way.
I will provide and hold a safe space for you to talk without fear of judgment or criticism and to encourage you to recognise your own inner strength and power to overcome any hurdle.
postnatal support hours can be booked in packages & include:
Virtual support from me when you need
Assistance with routine baby care including comforting, bathing, dressing, swaddling, & guidance on sleep & sleep safety
Care for baby so that you can shower, sleep, play/care for older children etc.
Assistance with your chosen feeding method using UNICEF and WHO (World Health Organisation) guidance and my experience as a qualified breastfeeding counsellor
Assistance around the house including light housework, hoovering, laundry etc.
Preparation of nutritious meals for you and your family
Emotional support including an ear to listen and a source of encouragement. I will hold space for you and understand your concerns or worries and support you through them, gently guiding you to a place where you can recognise your inner parental power.
new! traditional postpartum support package
There is a real gap between the nurturing and proven postpartum traditions of our ancestors (and those that are still seen in other parts of the world) and the complete lack of recognition/support in the modern, western society we live in today. I have created this package to bridge that gap!
This is designed for anyone who desires a more comfortable transition into parenthood and looking to avoid the postnatal depletion that so many of us accept as standard these days, which has a significant impact on our ability to bond with our babies and affects our identity as mothers and parents.
I have created this package through my experience of supporting parents over the past 2 years and I have combined my knowledge, training and passion to create something which I know will make a huge difference to postnatal journeys!
It includes:
A postnatal preparation session (during pregnancy) where we discuss your expectations & desires for your postpartum. This is an opportunity for us to set intentions and set boundaries for your immediate postpartum and includes access to a preparing to breastfeed workshop.
During the first week post birth, I will visit frequently (daily preferably) where the focus will be on providing in-depth breastfeeding support (because as a breastfeeding counsellor I understand how impactful the support we have early on, make a difference to our journeys) and support your physical and emotional recovery from pregnancy and birth. I will also prepare and provide nurturing and nourishing, nutritious meals, snacks and drinks for you.
Thereafter, ongoing postpartum support to assist you with bonding with your baby and your new family unit. I will take care of day-today tasks so that your focus can be on the above, encourage you to rest and nourish yourself and be a gentle source of care for your baby. Support spans throughout your fourth trimester and is likely to be more concentrated to begin with, becoming less frequent as you gradually find your feet.
A 3 hour traditional closing ceremony to honour your pregnancy & mark the transition to parenthood. These have 3 main focus areas; cleansing, massage & wrapping of the the body. We will talk, eat and drink, I will conduct a bathing ceremony that feels nurturing for you, I will massage you and wrap you and give you time to reflect and set intentions for your next chapter.
Your initial postpartum will mark the beginning of your parenting journey & will have a lasting impact for years to come. This package is to honour you, your body, your baby and your family.
fancy a chat about my postnatal doula services?
or register your interest using the form below

Image credits: Birthing person supported by birth partner by Coastal Lifestyles Photography; New mum holding new baby by Ash Blythe Photography; Baby tummy by Maple Hollow Photography