Birth Boss Blog

Birthy Book Club: How to Have a Baby by Natalie Meddings
A collection of bite size chunks of information, tips, advice, recipes, real life stories and guidance from mothers to mothers, and put together in this gorgeous book. It’s my absolute must read birth book and here’s why…

Birthy Book Club: Why Infant Reflux Matters by Carol Smyth (IBCLC)
A well ordered, easy to understand read on a topic which is so important for new parents to grasp.
This is as a must read for expectant and new parents and all those who support them.

Let’s Talk About: My experience of hiring a birth doula
Heard of birth doulas but not really considered it for yourself? You might want to reconsider, and here’s why…
Find out about my experience of hiring a doula.

Let’s Talk About: Precipitous (Rapid) Labour
Most of us expect to be in labour for sometime before baby finally makes their appearance… but not always.
Here are my tips on how to be prepared and remain calm in case of a speedy birth!

Let’s Talk About: The Importance of Sharing our Positive Birth Stories
You have conceived, nourished and birthed new life! You are AMAZING!
And you are allowed to tell the world that.

Let’s Talk About: The Importance Of Hydration In Labour
Hydration is an important aspect of our wellbeing in everyday life, but particularly so during labour.
“Why?” I hear you ask. Well I’ll tell ya…

Let’s Talk About: Beneficial Birth Positions
You may not have spent a great deal of time thinking about what position you will give birth in. You may have even thought, “I’ll just be laid on my back like everyone else surely?”

Let’s Talk About: How Going For A Wee Helps Labour
Remembering to empty your bladder frequently and fully is crucial.
Sounds obvious right?
Not necessarily.